Yufei Shi
Master's (and ex-undergraduate) student studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.
Contact: yfshi@ cmu.edu or contact@ shiyufei.com
PGP Public Key Fingerprint: 175C2EAA2C99EB415B0341F382FFF49FF55B077D
I am a Master's student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at
Carnegie Mellon University, having graduated with a B.S. in ECE with
University Honors in May 2024 also at CMU.
I am advised by
Prof. Brandon Lucia, and a
member of the
ABSTRACT research group.
I am interested in doing research on the boundary of computer
architecture and computer systems, with a particular emphasis on
optimizing computing performance and efficiency beyond traditional
I am currently working on projects centered around the themes of
energy-minimal computing, parallelism, and concurrency (these are a
little outdated and will be updated soon):
Research on the memory consistency model of a threaded Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture (CGRA).
Problem: Pipestitch is a CGRA with lightweight threads. When a Pipestitch program has multiple threads that communicate through memory, it is possible for the execution to violate Sequential Consistency (SC). To solve this problem, additional program analysis by the programmer/compiler and excessive fence placements are required. Goal: Automatically enforce SC ordering at a low cost by adding microarchitectural support in a Pipestitch-like architecture.Research on asynchronous programming for energy-minimal dataflow architectures.
Problem: Excessive operation reordering and synchronization is required for applications with irregular memory access patterns to run on resource-constrained CGRAs.Goal: Explicitly express parallelism amenable to dataflow execution and the underlying CGRA architecture.
- Fall 2023: Teaching Assistant for 18-344 Computer Systems and the Hardware-Software Interface
- Summer 2023: Teaching Assistant for 18-213/18-613 Introduction to Computer Systems
- Fall 2022: Teaching Assistant for 18-213/18-613 Introduction to Computer Systems
- Summer 2022: Teaching Assistant for 18-213/18-613 Introduction to Computer Systems
- Spring 2022: Teaching Assistant for 18-213/18-613 Introduction to Computer Systems